i literally can knot x christine young
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Canvas Rebel interview
meet the artist
Art has always been a passion of mine. With my background in art
therapy, I have utilized different artistic techniques to help bring art and the creative processes into the lives of others. Using a myriad of materials, I create high-quality eco-friendly fiber designs. I strive to bring happiness into every space. My passion for art drives me, and my love for what I do enables me to consciously create and make this world a more beautiful place one project at a time.
*self portrait 2024
Affiliate links
If you are interested in trying any form of fiber art, grab supplies at either of these two places. Use my discount code for money off!
Right Rope
Use code icanknot15 for 15% off your order at RightRope.com
Use code ICANKNOT for 10% off your order at Gannexxet.com
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